Traditional Counseling

All traditional counseling is virtual & from the comfort of your own home—where conversation is the route to healing.

For a Year-ish.

Does it feel more like you’re climbing a mountain? With your will, and your consistency, you’ll eventually get over the mountain.

But you’ll go much farther with a guide.

I have been over, around, and through my share of mountains. And I’m sure there will be more to come. I would love to support you as a guide, encourager & a witness as you get through some of the hardest times.

Let’s connect for a year-ish (12-15 months).

Let’s co-create an intention about who you want to be by the end of our time together so we have a sense of the version of you that you’re growing into.

And let’s get to work, gently.

For a couple Seasons.

Does it feel like you’re walking over hot coals? You’re uncomfortable and every step you take seems to hurt, until maybe your feet go numb.

Let’s connect for a couple seasons (6-8 months) as you transition through this experience and get to practice some self-compassion for your journey.

Let’s co-create an intention for what you want to feel more of by the end of our time together.

And let’s get to work, gently.

For many moons.

There are times in our lives when a couple of seasons or a year doesn’t quite offer the support we need.

Maybe life feels like one thing after another and you’re finding it hard to just catch your breath. Or maybe you’ve been to therapy before and you appreciate having a space that’s just yours.

Whatever brings you Here, you’re Welcome to stay a while—really, for as long as you need. Change & transformation takes time.

Settle in to receive weekly or bi-weekly support for as many moons as you choose.

“I must undertake to love myself and to respect myself as though my very life depends upon self-love and self-respect.”

~Maya Angelou