Thankful Letter

I wanted to take a moment to let you all know that I'm grateful for you. It warms my heart getting to be in such unique relationships to each of you--whether you're an OG, a newbie, or we haven't shared space in quite a while, this message still applies to you if you let it/if it resonates.

I'm so proud of you for choosing your healing journey over and over again & I love that our connection is centered around your healing. The role that I get to have in your lives feels so clear to me & I feel valued and appreciated for the contributions my presence has (or has had) in your lives.

I value how kind you all are. Your hearts are so big. And I learn from all of you all the time. Each of you is so unique and can't be compared to anyone else I've ever worked with. I delight in supporting you in finding ways to protect your good energy, live into your big hearts, go after your dreams, find/build the courage to release well-worn patterns/behaviors, and choose how & when you want to share the best parts of you with others.

I know that we've crossed paths for a reason. You could have chosen any therapist, I could have worked with any client, but being connected to each of you feels meaningful in a way that goes beyond traditional therapeutic space. It feels spiritual. It feels divine. And I take it seriously because you all mean a lot to me & I respect your journeys, even when (y)our journey calls for more spaciousness between us. These days that's all good with me because I know the love doesn't leave, the connection doesn't die, and the energy that we've shared can't be destroyed. 

I believe each of you deserve to have people in your corner that see you deeply & accept you, people who are rooting for you, people who are caring for you, celebrating you, and believing the best about you. I hope that you find these people, if you haven't already. I'm delighted I get to be one on your way to that time. 

Getting to do this therapeutic work with you in such an organic, humanizing, relational, non-hierarchical, easeful way is truly fulfilling.

With you I get to learn, laugh, listen, breathe, be curious, share space and insights, & try new things.

Thank you for existing. I'm grateful that I get to be Here with each of you healing & growing alongside you. You are important, you are special, & your very existence is enough. Thank you for helping me create UC into something beyond my wildest dreams--it would not exist in the way that it does without you--each of you have laid a foundational stone in my journey. UC feels like the Home I always longed for & I want you to know that you're always Welcome Here.

Wishing each of you moments of rest, ease, & encouragement & sending you good energy and deep gratitude during this time. We all deserve a break & I'm grateful for that, too. 



Ayda Ad Astra

Unconventional Counselor: Spiritual, Creative, & Queer.


Releasing the Origin Story: Victim & Villain